On the eve of International Yoga Day, two of our corporate yoga instructors – Snehita and Sehar (click on names to see their profiles) conducted workshops at two different MNC’s in the suburbs. The need to initiate Yoga Workshops at Corporate Companies is very high in companies in India today and many a times due to the publicity around International Yoga Day, the management at various companies become very eager to conduct a Yoga Workshop for their employees. At Wellintra Fitness, we conduct Yoga and other fitness workshops and ongoing classes at various companies. From our experience we have observed that although many companies are eager to start Yoga lessons and classes at their premises for the benefit of their employees, it is often seen that enthusiasm starts to dwindle as the weeks progress. The classes may begin with a lot of fanfare, hype and hoopla but eventually over the weeks and months, participation from the employees lessen with the result that after a few months the management decides to pause or halt the wellness classes. Which is a shame because ultimately the health of the employees suffer and so does their productivity.
The Law of Diminishing Returns
It is nothing but the law of Diminishing Returns at work. It is human nature to get bored by the same activity repeated over and over for a long period of time. Most of us, except for a few seek and crave new and different activities and experiences all the time. The world of fitness is no different. The ones who are already into Yoga or working out are anyways doing it and they do not get bored by it. But the vast majority of employees who are not so much into yoga or fitness will get bored eventually after a month and stop attending the classes. Which is why it is important for a company that has started wellness activities and fitness classes to ensure that the sessions do not become monotonous and repetitive.
At Wellintra Fitness we have cracked the code for Wellness at the Workplace. Due to the large number of young, certified and motivated fitness coaches who are empanelled with us, we have the ability to rotate the trainers every month and also change the sequencing of the classes and even the activities themselves. So if it’s Hatha Yoga for two months, then for the next two months we introduce Dance Fitness classes like Zumba, Salsa, Bollywood etc. And then move on to kickboxing or group fitness workouts. This rotating of fitness classes and activities ensures that the enthusiasm and motivation levels of participants remains high at all times. Rotating and mixing activities and trainers also ensures that your body does not plateau as a result of which employees report losing weight and feeling better and healthier overall. Have a look below at some of the pictures of the workshop conducted on International Yoga Day.
And do not hesitate to call us on +91 98206 07875 if you’d like to conduct Yoga or other Fitness Classes and Workshops within your company premises.
See more sessions of corporate yoga sessions conducted by Snehita here – Office Yoga at a Co-Working Space
At the offices of a Retail Giant
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