Create Wellness Programs Workplace Tips
Corporate Yoga, Corporate Zumba February 18, 2020

As one of India’s top corporate wellness companies, we are often asked a lot of questions on conducting employee fitness activities because a lot of companies in India do not know where and how to start out.

For this reason, we have written a long and informative article on the history of corporate wellness in the corporate world and also how one can create a corporate wellness plan. Company personnel in HR or other departments reading this article can then make an informed decision about the kind of employee wellness activities that they can roll out in their own companies. 

Wellness at Workplace How toTo begin with, you need to develop a corporate wellness program with a strategy in mind. Only then can you play a crucial role in improving the health and fitness levels of employees in your organization. This, in turn, will have a positive impact on your company’s revenue because healthier employees are productive employees. The keywords for a healthy return on investment (ROI) are “strategically developed and implemented” corporate wellness programs.

  • Corporate Wellness Programs need to be adequately designed to promote health among employees. It should also aid in preventing disease without putting an unnecessary burden on the person in question. 
  • These wellness programs must be reasonably available to every employee in an organization. When the business organization is awarding incentive rewards to its employees, they must be available to those people who have a medical condition that makes it difficult to participate (or for those people who are not advised to participate at all).
  • The Wellness Program’s plans must be clearly sketched out and must be communicated to the employees in such a language that everybody understands it clearly. It should be designed to motivate the employees and encourage them to maximize participation.  

1. Leadership – Honest leadership clearly comprehends that the right culture is required for making a successful wellness program. Participation is paramount, and it will be responsible for the creation of workers who are completely engaged in their personal and corporate activities. With such positive and long-lasting effects of employee well being, the management should certainly incorporate wellness committees or wellness champions within the company as an indispensable part of organizations. 

2. Accessibility – Wellness is not the responsibility of the local gym. It is, Top Corporate Yoga Companiesin fact, a part of the company’s management policies. Good leaders recognize this and hence, make it an almost mandatory option in the organization. The leaders can further enhance this by keeping cafeteria diets healthier, building social exercising, building rapport between employees and asking signage for projects via verbal communication or emails thus keeping employees on their toes. All of this builds a culture within the team and encourages participation.

3. Socialization – Now that we have talked about culture building, we certainly realize that socialization is important as well. Engagement builds up communication and interaction in the team. It has relevance and is a result of common interests across various workgroups. This interaction makes wellness activities at the workplace interesting, alive and engaging.

4. Gamification If you provide incentives at the end of each target in a wellness program, then that will encourage a lot of participation from the employee side. Businesses gain only when employees feel well. The better the employees feel the more satisfied they are with their jobs.  The more satisfied they are the lesser are the chances of filing a compensation claim. This encourages insurance companies to underwrite the employees under mediclaim. So, rewarding the employees is a good idea because all employees crave respect and recognition. 

5. Metrics – Metrics like ROI are one of the key performance indicators of employee participation in wellness programs and help sustain the wellness beyond just a few initial months. But quantity does not equate with quality. Other metrics that are involved are satisfaction, behavioral changes, voluntary biometrics, and routine productivity measures.  Size, frequency, and duration of medical claims will measure the success of these measures, but they often manifest after a long duration post implementing these wellness measures. When you are reaping rich financial dividends, then you should invest some portion of it in strategic investments. 

Overall, all present-day wellness programs need to be re-engineered. They need to be in-tune with an organization’s requirements.

Atin is the founder of Wellintra Fitness.
Atin Dasgupta
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