Wellness Sessions at Companies

Corporate Wellness Programs at Your Workplace Mumbai

Wellintra Fitness is one of the top Wellness companies in India offering Wellness Intervention Programs & Fitness Activities at the Workplace. Established in the year 2014, the company has made rapid strides in the Wellness Industry and now offers some of the best wellness programs and on-site fitness and personal training services in India. We have and continue to conduct corporate wellness programs and fitness activities at some of India’s best known companies such as WeWork, Lodha Group, Tata Trent, Mahindra, UBM, FedEx, Credit Suisse, Asus and many more companies. Our fitness trainers, Nutritionists and medical professionals are the best-in-class in the industry and our services are unmatched in quality, excellence and professionalism. All our wellness and fitness activities are underpinned by comprehensive and round-the-clock analytics & technical support.

Integrated Approach to Wellness

Corporate Wellness Wellintra

Corporate Wellness is still at a nascent stage in India but based on the learnings of the last decade, a new wave of workforce wellness is emerging. This is because the connection between modifiable behaviours of employees and their illnesses has become apparent due to empirical evidence and scientific studies. Companies have also become better at measuring the impact of interventions and also sharing the results of their wellness initiatives. Companies at the forefront of managing wellness have recognized the strategic value of addressing the behaviours that lead to or aggravate lifestyle diseases. They know that they pay for the illnesses directly (through healthcare costs) and indirectly through lower productivity stemming from absenteeism. For these companies, wellness is not just an HR agenda but rather a strategic initiative that will have an impact on their bottom line.

Why Corporate Wellness Works

corporate wellness advantages
Reduced Illnesses

Smart companies have recognized the strategic value of addressing the behaviours that lead to – or aggravate – chronic illness. They understand that they pay for these illnesses directly through healthcare costs and often indirectly through lower productivity, which stems from absenteeism.

Productivity at Workplace
Improved Productivity

By targeting a few simple risk factors and modifying some behaviours of your employees, you can dramatically improve the health and mental wellness profile of your employees thereby improving their mood, morale and stamina - all important factors for increasing productivity.

better wellness companies
Better Mental Health

It is a proven fact that soundness of mind is essential for excellence at the workplace. A good wellness program can educate and empower your employees to practice mindfulness and help them manage depression, high stress and anxiety thus reducing conflicts & improving morale.

India Healthcare Costs Employees
Less Healthcare Costs

Improving the health of your employees can have a huge impact on your company's bottom line by reducing healthcare costs and compensations. A systematic wellness program over a period of time can lead to substantial long terms savings that are both tangible and intangible.

How We Can Help

We help you establish the connection between modifiable behaviours amongst your employees and lifestyle diseases that are hampering smooth and effective growth of your company's leaders and managers. Empirical evidence and scientific studies both point to the links between avoidable chronic illnesses and one's lifestyle including the foods we eat and the amount of- physical activity we undertake.

Due to our experience working with various companies in the domain of employee wellness we can help you measure the impact of employee wellness interventions. Because of the fact that our past wellness programs have had time to play out and because of improved metrics, we can share the results of wellness initiatives of other companies and help you formulate a plan that works.

We have a large team of wellness professionals who can fully support a wellness plan with a disciplined and coordinated approach. We can help you roll out basic to advanced wellness programs that can target various goals that are prioritized according to their impact on productivity and costs be it: reducing risks for lifestyle diseases, weight loss, improved mental health or regular fitness sessions.

Corporate Wellness Video

Top Risk Factors

Back Pain
High Stress
High Blood Pressure

Implemented Interventions

Obesity Management Programs

Our Dieticians, Nutritionists & Wellness coaches will create a coordinated diet & fitness program that will incentivise employees for weight loss.

Diabetes Education Projects

Our Diabetes educators & experts conduct workshops and knowledge programs to educate employees on preventing & managing Diabetes.

Disease Management Programs

Our medical professionals will conduct regular screenings and programs to prevent and manage lifestyle diseases & chronic ailments.

Smoking Cessation Programs

Reducing tobacco smoking is the most impactful behaviour modification that can reverse a host of health complications amongst your employees.

Stress Management Programs

Our stress management programs use a mix of mindfulness, music therapy, yoga & meditation to reduce anxiety, stress and depression.

3 Stages of a Wellness Program

Stage 1

In fostering corporate engagement, companies at stage 1 should identify a mid or upper level manager and appoint him / her as a "Wellness Champion".

Stage 2

After a few months, companies should look at upgrading their portfolio of wellness activities. At this stage, employees should be able to track their progress towards a wellness objective online.

Stage 3

Companies at this stage should start refining their analytics and ensure management engagement and ensuring that wellness metrics of employees are factored into performance reviews.

Develop an Action Plan

If you are confused about how to go about creating a wellness program for your company fear not! With our experience we help companies that are beginning to address wellness with the help of analytics, engagement & activities. For companies that are already engaged in wellness, we identify and target risk factors more accurately and create a comprehensive wellness program.

Contact Us

If you are keen on starting a wellness program at your company we would love to hear from you! Please fill up the form below and a representative from our company will get back to you within 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also call on +91 98206-07875 to speak to our Wellness operations head.

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