Our Personal Trainers are improving bodies every day!

Wellintra Fitness is a wellness company that is changing lives everyday. Ever since our inception in 2014, we have been slowly but steadily changing the fitness landscape in India's metro cities by bringing the best fitness trainers in India under one roof. Our trainers train fitness conscious individuals and groups at studios, schools and government institutions and also conduct fitness and nutrition workshops at some of India's most hallowed corporate companies. Our mission is to bring you the widest variety of training and to give you the best value that you can get when you decide to embark on hiring a personal trainer.

Yoga Personal Training

Classic Ashtanga or Power Yoga

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Functional Fitness

Workout without weights

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Kickboxing Personal Training

Start learning kickboxing

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Pilates Personal Training

Learn Mat Pilates

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Mumbai's Best Personal Trainers

Best Personal Trainers in Mumbai

Personal Training has come a long way in India since the fitness revolution began two decades ago. Since then, the body of knowledge available to everyone has increased due to the internet and YouTube and everyone now understands the value of exercising to optimize health and quality of life. Actually there has never been a better or more exciting time to get fit! A very small percentage of India exercises regularly mainly because of a lack of motivation. We know that not every person is motivated to work out inspite of health issues and most people require an added incentive to start exercising and lose fat and get fitter. This brings us to the role of the fitness instructor aka the PERSONAL TRAINER! Our personal trainers have the ability to work safely and effectively for a wide variety of individuals of all age groups.

Best Fitness Trainers For You

Best Fitness Trainers at Home

Of all the demotivating factors that makes people lazy perhaps the most important is the quality of the fitness instructor. Research has proved that the number 1 factor that makes a person exercise more is whether that person has hired a qualified & enthusiastic personal trainer. Our personal trainers are handpicked and curated based on their superior qualifications, experience, attitude and enthusiasm. Our qualified fitness trainers can help you increase muscle mass or lose fat, prescribe progressive exercise to minimize injury, ensure variety and fun during workouts, help you set realistic goals, provide periodic evaluations, keep adequate records and reward your accomplishments through rewards and recognitions! Let us rephrase that. When you train with our personal trainers – You are the Reward!

The 4 Primary Steps For Training

Health Screening

We try to gain a complete picture of your background, current medical & health condition, motivation and your fitness goals. Our questionnaire will ask about your personal & family history of disease, risk factors & symptoms, present medications, lifestyle habits & exercise history plus attitude.


Fitness Testing
Physical Fitness Testing

Before you start an exercise program we must know how physically fit you are so that we know more about your current health condition while at the same time helping us to establish appropriate health and fitness goals which will educate, motivate & stimulate your interest in exercising.


Selecting Exercise
Exercise Selection

The long term success of your exercise program depends on the selection of the exercise mode. The correct activity mode is selected for you by our trainer depending on your individual interest, time and facility availability, personal goals and objectives and your current fitness levels.


Design Exercise Program
Design Exercise Program

Exercising is mostly 2 stages – cardio and strength training. Some clients prefer a total physical fitness workout each session while others may want strength training one day & aerobic training the next. Your fitness regimen will be highly individualized to meet your fitness goals and lifestyle habits.


Choose your personal training plan

1 trial session
  • Warm Up
  • 30 min session
  • Group Lessons
  • Aerobics
  • Yoga
I want it
12 sessions
  • Cardio
  • Warmup
  • Thrice a week
  • Nutrition
  • Couples Included
I want it
16 sessions
  • Cardio
  • Warmups
  • 4 times a week
  • Nutrition
  • Couples Included
I want it
20 sessions
  • Cardio
  • Warmups
  • 5 times a week
  • Nutrition
  • Couples Included
I want it

Top Traits of our Trainers


Our Code of Ethics

Our Personal Trainers are guided by the following principles as they interact with our clients, the public and other health & fitness trainers. Our Personal Trainers will endeavour to:

Safe and Effective Programs

Our Personal Trainers, Nutritionists & Wellness coaches will provide safe & effective instruction to all our clients to minimize any risks of injuries.

Fair Treatment

Our Personal Trainers will provide equal and fair treatment to all our clients irrespective of age, race, religion, creed or gender.

Constant Education

Our fitness trainers will maintain and understanding of the latest health & fitness research and its applications for personal training.


Our personal fitness trainers will comply with all applicable businesses, employment & copyright laws pertaining to our industry.


Our personal trainers will strive to maintain the utmost confidentiality of all of our clientele’s personal, professional and health information.

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