Words like P90X®, Tabata®, Spinning®, INSANITY®, CrossFit®, and Sprint® are likely to be foreign to anyone who isn’t interested in fitness. The fact that they are some of the most well-liked HIIT exercise programs out there may either thrill or terrify those of us who have only recently entered a health club, gym, or fitness studio anywhere in the world. Although they are all classified as “HIIT,” each poses a unique set of difficulties and yields a different range of feelings and results. What they will all do for you is make you sweaty, out of breath, possibly in pain, and possibly give you a “buzz” that lasts long after the session is over. All of those are typical emotional and physical reactions to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) physical activity.
The “high-intensity” component refers to training in quick bursts at maximal exertion, and the “interval” component includes both the work and rest phases, which can last anywhere from several minutes to as little as a few seconds. Additionally, I’ll describe how these affect the workout and, more importantly, the outcomes.
What is the best HIIT technique, you ask? There isn’t a single response to that question, I’m here to warn you. It’s truly amazing that a multi-billion dollar fitness industry has grown up without a clear explanation of what the term “HIIT,” which is appended to the names of so many classes and techniques, actually means. Nevertheless, having worked in this industry for 10 years, at Wellintra Fitness we shouldn’t be surprised by the lack of agreement, as even functional training and core-strength practitioners occasionally struggle to describe the results of their techniques.
Despite this, we can all agree on one thing: HIIT is a highly successful method for putting individuals in shape regardless of their ability. In fact, cardiac rehab patients use HIIT, thus it is undoubtedly very “inclusive.” In reality, the majority of trainers, coaches, and trend-spotters today view HIIT as a global phenomenon, and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has ranked it as the #1 global trend in health and fitness. Even the ACSM has voiced worry that the intensive intensity of HIIT may really be discouraging individuals from exercising and harming their impression of what they need to do to enhance or maintain their health. It is not without detractors, though.
Let’s be realistic, though. In our opinion, ACSM’s worries about HIIT are a diversion because the methodology has been used for decades, even though the manner it’s being marketed might be novel. They are arguing that HIIT may be so demanding that it may discourage a newcomer from taking up regular exercise because they may think, “If that’s what exercise looks like, I can’t do it.” Such problems, which are psychological and philosophical rather than physiological, don’t, in our opinion, affect people who are physically fit enough to handle the difficulties of HIIT. At Wellintra fitness, we honestly believe that HIIT is great and that these worries are overshadowed by its undeniable advantages.
It’s simple to understand why HIIT has led to a worldwide change in how people exercise when you mix all the publicity and hype with the fact that it has really been studied and shown to be beneficial. Even though several rather large global organizations have attempted to claim ownership of the technique, HIIT has managed to maintain its independence. Of course, you could argue or suppose that anything may become popular if you invest enough money in it. Yes, these organizations are the only proprietors of their particular implementation of HIIT, but as you’ll see later, if you strip away the specifics and facts, sometimes the only thing that seems to distinguish them is the length of the working day and the length of the vacation.
You may HIIT inside, outdoors, in the water, at the gym with or without equipment, on a bike, rowing, or treadmill. Best of all, if you reduce HIIT down to its most basic components, you can work with nothing more than your own bodyweight or a set of 5 – 10 kg (10 – 20 lb) dumbbells. You only need roughly 2 x 2m (6.5 x 6.5 feet) of room and a lot of resolves to perform the proper compound workouts.
Furthermore, HIIT is quick in many ways, not just in terms of the speed at which the exercises are performed, but also in terms of how long it takes to see effects. For individuals who are time-constrained, this is a benefit.
HIIT is not a new concept; in fact, we were already engaging in some version of HIIT 30 years ago. Then why is it now so popular if it has been around for thirty years? Because we used to do them without necessarily understanding how they functioned in the past like so many other fitness-related practices that have been around for a while. Recent studies have demonstrated the benefits clearly, and with this data as support, businesses have been able to package it as a product and make it accessible to people all over the world.
In terms of personal fitness, we all generally desire quick outcomes with the minimal time commitment. This is understandable because, given the choice, the majority of people would choose to exercise less frequently. This is particularly true if they want to spend the least amount of time feasible achieving (and keeping) a lean functional, quick, and agile body. Although HIIT is challenging, less challenging alternatives don’t seem to be as effective.
The effectiveness and ROI of HIIT, which promises significant fitness gains that are feasible with frequent exposure to HIIT, are what makes it so intriguing.
The list of benefits is lengthy, and these can be seen as the cornerstones for both immediate and long-term enhancements to our body’s functionality. These include effective weight loss, enhanced blood quality, improved mood and better brain function, slowed aging, improved cardiovascular health, increased endurance levels, increased human growth hormone, and decreased cortisol levels.
One of the main advantages of HIIT is that, when combined with an adequate eating plan, it may be a very effective way to lose weight. A 1994 research study from Laval University in Quebec found that it was more efficient than moderate cardio exercises like running or cycling.
Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, often known as “after-burn,” is a physiological phenomenon that is effectively stimulated by HIIT, according to scientists, who have also discovered another very fantastic benefit. EPOC, to put it simply, is when your body continues to burn fuel more quickly than it would have if you hadn’t engaged in a high-intensity activity.
Simply explained, EPOC causes the body to continue absorbing oxygen at a noticeably greater rate after a HIIT session, which causes the stored fat to continue to be burned for hours after a workout is over. Who wouldn’t want it, right?
HIIT places a lot of stress on the body, and numerous authoritative studies have shown that when compared to moderate intensity exercise, like jogging, the high-intensity exercise might result in higher benefits to cardiovascular health.
It has also been demonstrated that high intensity raises our maximum oxygen intake (VO2 max). The maximum amount of oxygen a person may use when engaging in vigorous exercise is referred to as VO2. It is expressed in terms of “milliliters of oxygen utilized per minute by each kilo of bodyweight.”
An athlete’s endurance is known to improve with repeated exposure to HIIT (which is a fact some people will find illogical because HIIT sessions are short compared to endurance events where you perform for long periods of time). In order to train hard but not for too long for a marathon, many athletes have drastically cut their mileage. This is especially true for people who compete in races lasting under three hours.
The ‘Juice of Youth’ has been referred to as Human Growth Hormone (HGH). The pituitary gland, which is found beneath our brains, makes HGH. Its major functions are to control metabolism and preserve or enhance the ‘normal’ function of the body’s structures (such as the muscles and other soft tissues). Its release into the bloodstream also contributes to the maintenance of healthy blood glucose levels. Since HGH is largely responsible for the growth of lean muscle tissue, it has been demonstrated that it increases ten-fold after HIIT sessions.
Numerous HIIT-induced results have a favorable effect on the blood. These include a greater capacity for oxygen absorption, the ability to change your anaerobic threshold (the point at which your body can function without receiving regular replenishments of “fresh” oxygenated red blood), a decrease in “bad” LDL cholesterol, and an increase in “good” cholesterol HDL production. Other advantages include increased effectiveness of the venous return system, which returns used blood to the heart and lungs.
HIIT exercises have a variety of significant effects on the brain and its operations. The ability of the brain’s neurons and connections to regenerate is one of these, as is enhanced neuroplasticity. Only after repeated stimulus does the brain’s structure begin to regenerate, and HIIT produces the hormonal wash needed to increase neuroplasticity.
Dr. Mercola, a pioneer in HIIT research and training, has specialized in studying the link between telomere decay and HIIT. Telomeres have recently been discussed in relation to exercise. His studies have demonstrated that HIIT may aid in telomere preservation, which may help slow the aging process.
Increased endorphin production from HIIT exercises can instantly affect your mood and energy levels, as well as how well you handle stressful situations. Endorphins are neurohormones, which are biochemicals that alter how nerves respond to transmitters. Their effects are frequently contrasted with those of opiates (morphine and codeine).
I’ve frequently overheard physical trainers inform customers that cardio is bad for them since it raises the stress hormone cortisol since approximately 2005. When trying to build leaner bodies, we want to avoid both muscle loss and belly fat accumulation, which are both linked to high cortisol levels. Your cortisol levels do tend to rise over extended durations of moderate-intensity “cardio” (in the gym, jogging, rowing, cross-training, etc.).
In comparison to other types of training, I believe that all of these advantages make HIIT a worthy use of time. However, when you consider all of the advantages, it really is a remarkable form of exercise because no other exercise protocol can offer such a diverse array of advantages. The other “fringe benefits” of HIIT workouts are that almost all of the exercises I use and every brand-name workout I use fall under the functional exercise category.
The main advantage to HIIT is that you can boost your cardiovascular fitness faster by working harder instead of longer. Some small, short-term studies hint that HIIT workouts can produce equal or greater improvements in blood pressure and blood sugar compared with moderate-intensity exercise.
So what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves and enroll with us by training under the best HIIT trainers in India and get ready to sweat and reap all of the above benefits that we have listed in this article! See our trainers section here – https://www.wellintra.com/trainers/
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