Age: Twenties
Experience: 3+ years
Specialization: Yoga
Age: Thirties
Experience: 10+ years
Specialization: Functional, HIIT
Sarika is certified by the Talwalkar Academy as an Aerobic Trainer and by the K11 academy as a Personal Trainer and Special Population Trainer. She is also a sports fitness trainer from ST Fitness Academy and is certified in Kettlebell Training from the EKFA Kettlebell Academy. Sarika has attended a one day seminar on cardio pulmonary resuscitation and is certified by The Bombay City Ambulance Corps. She has completed a Plyometric Workshop from ST Fitness Academy.
Sarika has worked as a personal trainer at Planet Heath Lifestyle Studio creating exercise plans based on needs, potential injuries, or health issues. She has also worked at the Monarch Health Club conducting individual and group fitness training sessions. Sarika has been a Personal Trainer and Spinning Trainer at Inspire the Fitness Studio and a Personal Trainer and Floor manager at Muscle and Might Gym handling nutrition and health-related questions and overseeing the completion of exercise routines.
In Sarika's workout, she combines weight training, dance fitness, kettlebell workouts and aerobics. She even includes Crossfit Training, Power Yoga, and Plyometric Training. Exercises to assist tone muscles will be mixed up with high-intensity training to burn calories during Sarika's sessions. She rejects drill sergeant methods and the idea that "one size fits all." She takes into account the fact that each person's ability is unique in each session. The method Sarika teaches is more like a comprehensive training plan than just a list of different exercises. You will learn about reps, sets, weights, and cardio from Sarika, but most importantly, she will teach you how to work out more intelligently rather than more vigorously. She makes her sessions accessible to persons with a range of physical abilities by modifying his teaching methods to meet the needs of his students. Her Zumba workouts incorporate aspects of Hip Hop, Latin fusion, and Contemporary dance. Because of how interesting her sessions are, you won't even notice when the allowed time has passed.
Yes! Sarika is available for personal fitness training at home across the western suburbs of Mumbai. She is also available as an online fitness trainer.
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